Thursday, December 4, 2008


ank aku baru nk besday esok 2thn...heheheh end of year...muda aku dah sebok dok sevey skool tuk dia...bkn pa..kalo ikut year, dia dah d sebab kan D.O.B ujg takut la ada skool yg xmo trima...3thn? mcm cepat sgt plak nk antaq p aku tgk budak2 la nie..bkn main gedebance...darjah 1 cekgu pun dah x layan kalo ada bdk2 yg still x pndai mbaca...pastu sumbat la kat klas pemulihan...kalo dpt cekgu yg rajin..ok la..skali cekgu pun dlm pemulihan...wekekekke....baru sama level...errrmmm tu yg merisaukan aku...
ada gak aku cari2 artikel yg blh wat panduan...antaranya:-
" I feel that the younger you put a child in school, the more he or she will develop boredom in learning same subjects for the first 3 years in school"...ada betulnya jgk...budak2 cpt bosan kan..nk plak balik dok soh wat tulisan ikut line...lama2 ada yg lepa p lukih gmbq gajah ka apa...
tp kalo kita tny kat school...ofkos la kan lepa soh antaq seawai 3 thn...spy budak2 cepat develop..independence...self-confidence..motivated...wahhhh besnya aku dengaq..sapa xmo ank2 jd pandai...kan..kan...kan?
tapi artikel ni membuatkan aku berpk balik...
Would you consider sending your 3-year-old toddler to school?
No. Not because i haven’t been to school at that age, but the trauma of separation will forever be instilled in the baby’s mind. The first time i taught 3 year old kids in China, the start of morning at the gate of the school is a nightmare. I have a big smile on my face but my heart is bleeding hearing the anguish cries of kids being left at the teacher’s care. Just try to imagine your baby holding onto your neck and the parent trying to pull off the kid from himself/or herself.
I just can’t see the reason why the kiddos are sent to school at the right age. Ellen White admonish us that the best teacher we can ever have is our mother and the best school for our kids to start learning is our home. At that young age of 3, our kids are starting to comprehend and learn ways that they will be carrying on in their lifetime. So why giving the chance to other people to train your child when you the mom or the parent is the best one to do it. aku sndr lom dpt decide cemana...tgk la..apa2 pun aku nk sevey jgk...masuk ke tak..tu blkg kira...atleast dah ada info ckit...xdak la tercangak2 kan nti...

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